Buddy Check for Jesse – 2024 Grant Recipient

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Buddy Check for Jesse

The Courtnall Society for Mental Health is proud to support Buddy Check for Jesse as one of our 2024 Grant Recipients. Founded in memory of Jesse, a young individual who struggled with mental health challenges, this impactful organization is dedicated to promoting mental wellness and resilience among youth through sports. Based in Victoria, BC, Buddy Check for Jesse is leading the charge in breaking the stigma surrounding mental health by encouraging open conversations and empowering coaches, parents, and players to create supportive environments both on and off the field. 

Through its work, Buddy Check for Jesse aims to create spaces where young people feel safe to express their feelings and seek help when needed. Their organization seeks to change this by providing accessible resources and training to athletes, coaches, and families. Their goal is to normalize conversations about mental health within the sports community, fostering a culture where supporting each other’s emotional and mental well-being is just as important as physical performance. They also host various programs and events that promote mental wellness, providing both resources and a network of support for those in need. 

The organization’s commitment to inclusivity ensures that mental health is addressed in a way that resonates with young people, breaking down barriers and creating lasting change in the community. The work Buddy Check for Jesse is doing is invaluable, and we are honored to stand alongside them in their mission to promote mental wellness and resilience among youth.

To learn more about Buddy Check for Jesse and their incredible work, visit www.buddycheckforjesse.com.

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